The location of childbirth is one of the factors which can psychologically influence mothers who are giving birth to babies. The wrong selection of location and childbirth aide will directly affect mothers’ health. The selection of the location and the aides of childbirth can be influenced by several factors such as the distance of health service facility, transportation, demographic location, and knowledge of searching for the right childbirth aide. Goals : The research is quantitative with cross sectional analytic survey. The method of the analysis was factor analysis in which the variables were reduced to one or two factors which influenced mothers to select the home birth by midwives. Method : The population was all mothers who gave birth to babies, aided by midwives at home, and 110 of them were used as the samples, using purposive sampling technique with inclusive and exclusive criteria. Result : The result of the factor analysis showed that of 12 variables, eight of them could be included in the factor analysis with MSA value > 0.05. Of the eight factors, two of them became internal and external factors. Internal factor contributed 70%, while external factor contributed 77% in influencing mothers to select the location of childbirth at home. From the internal factor, it was found that childbirth environment was the most influencing factor (85.5%), while from the external factor, it was found that childbirth expense was the most influencing factor (84.1%). Conclusion : The conclusion of the research was that internal factor (childbirth environment) and external factor (childbirth expense) influenced mothers to select home birth by midwives in the working area of Batu Pancur Puskesmas. It is recommended that midwife professionalism should be improved in giving childbirth service so that people will be motivated to select health facility in giving birth to babies.
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