Background : Nurses who are spiritually intelligent are able to position
behavior, assess health measures given, be able to place feelings and
face busy work and try to be responsible at work. Reducing work
density, nurses take advantage of technology that can provide
changes in terms of helping work, communication and so on so that
the nurse's time to patients is more
Methods: The study design used an analytic survey design with cross sectional
method. Sampling using probability sampling with a Systematic
sampling technique with a sample size of 58 people. The instrument
used in this study was a questionnaire
Results: The results showed that the use of nurse technology was good
(94.8%), the spiritual intelligence of nurses was high (58.6%).
Elisabteh Health Journal : Jurnal Kesehatan, Vol. V No. 02 (Desember, 2020) : V-02 E-ISSN 2541-4992
Discussion: In hospital services nurses must be able to utilize existing
technology as reformers and be competitive in the world of health
and be able to place spirituality: their feelings and emotions in
providing nursing care to ensure an increase in the quality of
hospital services
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