Hubungan Kebijakan Social Distanching Terhadap Kecemasan Ibu Dalam Pelaksanaan Rawat Gabung Bayi Selama Pandemi Covid-19 Di Klinik Henny Martubung Medan

  • Debi Novita Siregar Fakultas Keperawatan dan kebidanan, Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Khairani Sari Fakultas Keperawatan dan kebidanan, Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Feby Maidea Indah Astari Fakultas Keperawatan dan kebidanan, Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Irma Yunita Siregar Fakultas Keperawatan dan kebidanan, Universitas Prima Indonesia
Keywords: Social Distanching Policy Anxiety, Implementation of the Infant Merge Covid-19 Pandemic


Background: The Covid-19 pandemic has made the public, especially post partum mothers, anxious and limited in their activities due to the application of the principle of social distancing through the policy of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB). The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between social distancing policies and maternal anxiety in implementing infant care during the Covid-19 pandemic

Methods: This type of research is an analytic survey using a cross sectional design. The sample is post partum mothers who gave birth on November 1 to November 27, 2021 totaling 33 people. Data analysis using Chi Square.

Results: The results of the study were obtained from 33 post partum mothers (100%), the majority felt anxious as many as 26 people (78.8%) and felt not anxious as many as 7 people (21.2%). It can be concluded that there is a relationship between social distancing policies and maternal anxiety in the implementation of babysitting during the Covid-19 pandemic

Conclusion: attention from mothers as often as possible so that mothers also get experience in caring for babies while at the clinic, and mothers and babies get inner closeness


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How to Cite
Siregar, D., Sari, K., Astari, F., & Siregar, I. (2021). Hubungan Kebijakan Social Distanching Terhadap Kecemasan Ibu Dalam Pelaksanaan Rawat Gabung Bayi Selama Pandemi Covid-19 Di Klinik Henny Martubung Medan. Elisabeth Health Jurnal, 6(2), 77-82.