Gambaran Caring Behavior Perawat Pada Masa Pandemi Dalam Pelayanan Keperawatan Di UGD RS Santa Elisabeth Medan Tahun 2022

  • Dinda Queen Margaretha Program Studi Ners, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Santa Elisabeth Medan
  • Mestina Br Karo Program Studi Ners, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Santa Elisabeth Medan
  • Vina Y S Sigalingging Program Studi Ners, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Santa Elisabeth Medan
Keywords: Caring behavior, Nursing services



Introduction : Caring describes the core of nursing practice which aims to increase awareness in achieving better nursing services and building a better social structure. In fact, there are still many nurses who are not caring. Nursing services are part of the health care system related to humans, and provide comprehensive services in all aspects of life, namely biopsycho-social and spiritual. The purpose of this study is to identify Nurses Overview on Nursing Services During Pandemic at The Emergency Department of St. Elisabeth Medan.
Method : This type of research is a descriptive research design. Sampling in this study uses purposive sampling technique, respondents are 32 people.Data collection is done directly using a questionnaire.
Result : The results show that the caring behavior of nurses in the very good category are 32 respondents (100%).
Conclusion : It is hoped that the results of this study will motivate nurses to improve their caring behavior, pay more attention to nursing actions such as feeding, and bathing patients in the emergency room and make a questionnaire that is more specific to the emergency room.


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How to Cite
Margaretha, D., Karo, M., & Sigalingging, V. Y. S. (2022). Gambaran Caring Behavior Perawat Pada Masa Pandemi Dalam Pelayanan Keperawatan Di UGD RS Santa Elisabeth Medan Tahun 2022. Elisabeth Health Jurnal, 7(2), 172-177.