Gambaran Kadar Glukosa Darah Pada Pasien Gagal Ginjal Kronik di Rumah Sakit Elisabeth Medan Tahun 2021

  • David Sumanto Napitupulu Program Studi Sarjana Terapan Teknologi Laboratorium Medik, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Santa Elisabeth Medan
Keywords: Blood Glucose Levels, Chronic Kidney Failure


Introduction : Blood sugar level was an increase in glucose in the blood. Glucose circulated through the blood is the main source of energy for body cells. Chronic kidney failure was a progressive decline in kidney function over months or years. Patients with chronic kidney failure at Elisabeth Hospital Medan in 2021 in January totaled 94 visits with 84 outpatients. The aim of the study was to describe blood sugar levels in patients with chronic kidney failure at Elisabeth Hospital Medan in 2021.
Method : Research using quantitative methods with descriptive research type. This study used a questionnaire with a total population of 64 people. Sampling was done by total sampling technique.
Result : The results showed that blood sugar levels in patients with chronic kidney failure showed an average blood sugar level of 131.27 mg/dl, a minimum value of 85 mg/dl and a maximum value of 188 mg/dl.
Conclusion : The highest blood sugar level was 74-179 mg/dl, namely 60 people are called the normal category and the lowest sugar level was 180 mg/dl, namely 4 people were called hyperglycemia.


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How to Cite
Napitupulu, D. (2022). Gambaran Kadar Glukosa Darah Pada Pasien Gagal Ginjal Kronik di Rumah Sakit Elisabeth Medan Tahun 2021. Elisabeth Health Jurnal, 7(1), 97-100.