Gambaran Caring Behavior Perawat dan Tingkat Ancietas Pasien Pre Operasi di Rumah Sakit Tahun 2020

  • Modesta Lingga Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Santa Elisabeth Medan, Program Studi D3 Kebidanan
  • Santa Veronika Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Santa Elisabeth Medan, Program Studi Sarjana Keperawatan
  • Desriati Sinaga Program Studi Kebidanan, STIKes Elisabeth Medan
  • Aprilita Br Sitepu Program Studi Kebidanan, STIKes Elisabeth Medan
Keywords: Caring behavior perawat, tingkat ancietas, pasien pre operasi


Introduction : Surgery is an event that causes anxiety. It is very important to reduce anxiety levels during the preoperative period to keep patient stress from increasing, avoiding high risks of surgery. One of the management of preoperative patient anxiety is to use touch presence, listening and understanding to communicate attitude " Caring "nurses for preoperative patients.
Purpose : This study aims to determine the description of caring behavior and the anxiety level of preoperative patients
Method : Systematic review, initial search found hundreds of references. The search for references was limited to articles published between 2000-2020. Related articles explaining the caring behavior of nurses and the level of anxiety of preoperative patients were collected. The keywords in the search were caring, caring behavior of nurses, anxiety of preoperative patients.
Result : search results obtained articles, while those that match the inclusion criteria were 20 articles. Based on an analysis of the description of the caring behavior of nurses and the anxiety level of preoperative patients, from 10 journals the anxiety level of preoperative patients in hospitals was found to be moderate, while the caring behavior of nurses in hospitals according to 10 journals was found to be quite good
Conclusion : nurses really need caring behavior to overcome the anxiety level of preoperative patients in the hospital.



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How to Cite
Lingga, M., Veronika, S., Sinaga, D., & Br Sitepu, A. (2023). Gambaran Caring Behavior Perawat dan Tingkat Ancietas Pasien Pre Operasi di Rumah Sakit Tahun 2020. Elisabeth Health Jurnal, 8(1), 82-102.