Terapi Modalitas Relaksasi Progresif Pada Pasien Hipertensi Dengan Gangguan Rasa Nyaman: Nyeri Akut

  • Lydia Moji Lautan Universitas Katolik Santo Agustinus
  • Febriani Aglesiana Mella Universitas Katolik Santo Agustinus Hippo
  • Yustina Riki Nazarius Universitas Katolik Santo Agustinus Hippo
Keywords: Keywords: Progressive Relaxation, Acute Pain, Hypertension


Background: Disturbances in comfort occur when a person experiences pain in certain parts of the body, especially hypertension sufferers who experience headaches due to an increase in blood pressure higher than 130/90 mmHg. Modality therapy is an effort to reduce complaints of pain and blood pressure in hypertensive patients. Objective: to determine the effectiveness of progressive relaxation modality therapy in hypertensive patients with comfort disorders: acute pain. Methods: Qualitative research with a case study research strategy with data collection carried out through interviews, observation by providing progressive relaxation measures, progressive relaxation techniques for 15-30 minutes involving 3 hypertensive respondents with discomfort disorders: acute pain. Results: In this study, there was a reduction in headaches from a pain scale of 7-8 (severe pain) with a blood pressure of 180/80 mmHg down to a scale of 3 (mild pain) with a blood pressure of 130/90 mmHg. Conclusion: Progressive relaxation modality therapy has an effective impact on complaints of discomfort, acute headaches and blood pressure in hypertensive patients             


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How to Cite
Lautan, L., Mella, F., & Nazarius, Y. (2023). Terapi Modalitas Relaksasi Progresif Pada Pasien Hipertensi Dengan Gangguan Rasa Nyaman: Nyeri Akut. Elisabeth Health Jurnal, 8(2), 126-135. https://doi.org/10.52317/ehj.v8i2.564