Abdominal trauma is an injury to the internal organs of the abdomen such as : the stomach, intestines, pancreas, liver, bile, kidneys and spleen. This trauma can occur due to a blow and or a blunt object impact or a sharp object stab. The purpose of scientific discussions in the health room is to provide health information and education about abdominal trauma to the public accompanied by laboratory examinations. The target of this activity is everyone who listens to Radio Maria Indonesia and its surroundings. The method used is the method of discussion or direct question and answer through Radio Maria broadcasts. The result of this activity is that people's curiosity is high through their questions and case studies. It is hoped that by holding scientific discussions in the health room at Radio Maria Medan, the public or loyal listeners of Radio Maria Indonesia will get important information about abdominal trauma and laboratory examinations so that people can find solutions if one day they experience abdominal trauma.
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