• Hetty Gustina Simamora STIKes Santa Elisabeth Medan
  • Nagoklan Simbolon STIKes Santa Elisabeth Medan
  • Elfrida Sianturi STIKes Santa Elisabeth Medan
  • Yohana Beatry Sitanggang STIKes Santa Elisabeth Medan
Keywords: Nutrition, Pregnant Women


Nutrition during pregnancy is very important, by getting balanced and good nutrition, pregnant women can reduce health risks to the fetus and the babymother. Therefore, it is very necessary to pay attention to food intake and nutrition in pregnant women. If the nutritional status of the mother is normal before and during pregnancy, she will give birth to a healthy, full-term baby with a normal weight. The purpose of this service is to increase knowledge of nutrition in pregnant women, with the methods used in the service, namely counseling and assistance with lecture, discussion and question and answer methods. Participants of the activity are pregnant women at the Bertha Clinic. The results of the activity showed that there was an increase in knowledge of pregnant women and they already understood the benefits of fulfilling nutrition during pregnancy. Based on the results of this Community Health Service, it is advisable to continue to provide regular counseling so that pregnant women better understand the benefits of nutrition during pregnancy.


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How to Cite
Simamora, H., Simbolon, N., Sianturi, E., & Sitanggang, Y. (2022). PENYULUHAN TENTANG GIZI PADA PADA IBU HAMIL DI KLINIK BERTHA. Jurnal Pengabdian Kesehatan (JUPKes), 1(2), 76-80.

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