Sosialisasi Pembuatan Eco Enzyme Sebagai Usaha Mengelola Limbah Organik Rumah Tangga Di Pusat Rehabilitasi Gema Kasih Galang
Eco-enzyme is the result of the fermentation of organic kitchen waste such as fruit and vegetable pulp, sugar (sugar, chocolate, brown sugar or cane sugar) and also water which accelerates bio-chemical reactions in nature to produce enzymes that are useful for using fruit and vegetable pulp to become one way of waste management that utilizes kitchen waste for very useful things and also reduces greenhouse gases and prevents excessive greenhouse effects and leads to global warming. eco enzymes have many benefits because they contain alcohol and acetic acid which are produced from the process. The fermentation of these two substances has the function of exterminating bacteria and dirt and is useful as a plant fertilizer, eliminating pests and improving the quality and taste of fruit and vegetables. As a household business that is very helpful in the utilization of organic waste which has many benefits for the surrounding environment and household purposes as a cleaner
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Pembuatan Eco-Enzyme Sebagai Usaha Pengolahan Sampah Organik Pada Level Rumah Tangga. Ikra-Ith Abdimas, 4(3), 194-197.
Prasetio, V. M., Ristiawati, T., & Philiyanti, F. (2021). Manfaat Eco-Enzyme pada
Lingkungan Hidup serta Workshop Pembuatan Eco-Enzyme. Darmacitya: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 1(1), 21-29.