• Risda Mariana Manik STIKes Santa Elisabeth Medan
  • Desriati Sinaga
  • Ermawaty Arisandi Siallagan
  • Anita Veronika
  • R Oktaviance S
  • Bernadetta Ambarita
  • Aprilita Br. Sitepu
  • Merlina Sinabariba
Keywords: health socialization, community dedication, future bride and groom


In the situation of the Covid-19 pandemic, The human need for marriage continues. The bride and groom who will marry are the forerunner to the formation of a family, so that before marriage, the bride and groom need to prepare their health conditions so that they can carry out a healthy pregnancy so that they can give birth to a healthy next generation and create a healthy, prosperous, and quality family. The purpose of this activity is that the D3 Midwifery Study Program lecturer at STIKes Santa Elisabeth wants to increase the knowledge of the community in the Medan city area as a form of community service, so that the public has knowledge about Reproductive and Sexual Health for Bride and Groom. The method used is to provide health information through the health room at Radio Maria Indonesia 104.2 FM every Wednesday at 17.00 to 18.00 WIB from 27 March 2021 to 29 May 2021. The result of this activity is that the people of Medan have knowledge about sexual and reproductive health for prospective brides. It is hoped that this activity can add references and knowledge to the people of Medan in preparing for marriage so that a healthy, prosperous, and quality family can be realized.


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How to Cite
Manik, R., Sinaga, D., Siallagan, E., Veronika, A., S, R., Ambarita, B., Br. Sitepu, A., & Sinabariba, M. (2022). SOSIALISASI KESEHATAN REPRODUKSI DAN SEKSUAL BAGI CALON PENGANTIN DI RUANG KESEHATAN RADIO MARIA INDONESIA 104,2 FM. Jurnal Pengabdian Kesehatan (JUPKes), 1(2), 45-50.