• Lindawati Farida Tampubolon Stikes Santa Elisabeth Medan
  • Lili Suryani Tumanggor Stikes Santa Elisabeth Medan
  • Mardiati Br Barus Stikes Santa Elisabeth Medan
  • Samfriati Sinurat Stikes Santa Elisabeth Medan
  • Imelda Derang Stikes Santa Elisabeth Medan
  • Friska Handayani Br Ginting Stikes Santa Elisabeth Medan
  • Helinida Saragih Stikes Santa Elisabeth Medan
  • Murni Sari Dewi Simanullang Stikes Santa Elisabeth Medan
Keywords: Hepatitis, Health Counseling, Community


Optimal health is a condition that everyone wants. However, nowadays various diseases are growing in the community. One of them is hepatitis. Until now, hepatitis is still a health problem throughout the world, including in Indonesia. Education aims to increase public knowledge as an effort to prevent and care for families with hepatitis. The activity method consists of the preparation stage, the implementation stage (lecture and discussion methods) and the evaluation stage using projector screen infocus tools and leaflets. The results of this education are that this education increases community knowledge in the prevention and treatment of families with hepatitis with the achievement of 85% of participants happy to participate in activities, 95% of participants are able to understand the material presented, 100% are willing to carry out according to the education that has been given. The conclusion of this education 1) The Nursing Study Program lecturer, STIKes Santa Elisabeth Medan succeeded in carrying out a service program to increase community knowledge in Parlilitan, 2) The Parlilitan community gave an enthusiastic response to this activity seen from the attendance of 42 people, 3) Established a partnership between STIKes Santa Elisabeth Medan and the Parish of Santa Lusia Parlilitan, Humbang Haangkalan Regency. Suggestions for cooperation in assistance from local health workers.


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How to Cite
Tampubolon, L., Tumanggor, L., Barus, M., Sinurat, S., Derang, I., Ginting, F., Saragih, H., & Simanullang, M. (2022). EDUKASI PENCEGAHAN PENYAKIT HEPATITIS DI PAROKI SANTA LUSIA PARLILITAN KABUPATEN HUMBANG HASUDUTAN. Jurnal Pengabdian Kesehatan (JUPKes), 1(2), 81-85.

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