• Magda Siringo ringo STIKes Santa Elisabeth Medan
  • Syukur Julianto Gulo STIKes Santa Elisabeth Medan
  • Lindawati Simorangkir STIKes Santa Elisabeth Medan
  • Amando Sinaga STIKes Santa Elisabeth Medan
  • Agustaria Ginting STIKes Santa Elisabeth Medan
Keywords: STIkes Santa Elisabeth Medan


Gout arthritis is an acute inflammatory attack that attacks the joint area and synovial membranes of the joints, a triggering factor for the consumption of foodstuffs (JAS-BUKKET) diet Offal, alcohol, sardines, birds, poultry, broth, chips, tape. The purpose of community service: Providing information communication education about health Target sufferers of gout arthritis in Gema Kasih Galang Lubuk Pakam Rehabilitation, Deli Serdang Regency. Counseling methods for limiting eating patterns, enjoying balance. (JAS-BUKKET). Results of Community Service; Assessment of goutarthritis sufferers totaled 40 characteristics; most women 30 (75%), aged 61-70 years 12 (30%), BMI is normal 27 (67.5%), a balanced healthy diet less 22 (55%). Complications found typhus/tophi 4 (10%), range of motion (ROM)/move) disturbed 2(5%). Knowledge of gout arthritis sufferers on how to prevent the risk of gout complications is less than 20 (50%). After counseling activities on how to make joints healthy, it is necessary to avoid (JAS-BUKKET), and (TEK-KUK-CS2). Conclusion There are 40 gout sufferers, male sex (25%), 30 women (75%), 51-60 years totaling 18 (45 body mass index categorized as thin normal 27 (67.5%), unbalanced unhealthy food consumption patterns can be categorized as good less 22(55%), Manipulation of complications is typhus/tophi 4(10%) range of motion (ROM)/move),2 (5%). The duration of suffering from gout1-10 years was 18 (45%), 11-20 years, 16 (40%) and 21-30 years; 6 (15%) The knowledge of gout arthritis sufferers in controlling, preventing the risk of gout complications is classified as low 20 (50%) Suggestions for gout arthritis sufferers it is important to detect uric acid levels regularly, have a healthy balanced diet, recommendations limit foods high in purines and always be active continue to carry out moderate physical activity such as walking, riding a bicycle, dynamic static isotonic isometric exercise in a measured, controlled manner, at least 30 minutes/day, two to three times/week.


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How to Cite
ringo, M., Gulo, S., Simorangkir, L., Sinaga, A., & Ginting, A. (2023). EDUKASI PENCEGAHAN RESIKO KOMPLIKASI GOUT ARTRITIS KELUARGA KOMUNITAS GEMA KASIH GALANG. Jurnal Pengabdian Kesehatan (JUPKes), 2(1), 47-52.

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