The determination of a patient suffering from a particular disease must be supported by various examinations. One of these tests is laboratory testing. Pulmonary TB is a highly contagious disease. Therefore, it needs to be treated quickly. Examination efforts are made to find Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria. The purpose of the discussion in the health room is to provide information and education about laboratory examination of Pulmonary TB to the community. The target of this activity is everyone who listens to Radio Maria Indonesia and its surroundings. The method used is the discussion or question and answer method directly through Radio Maria broadcasts. The results of this activity were found to be high public curiosity through the questions and case studies they conveyed. The implementation of educational discussions and laboratory examination of pulmonary TB at Radio Maria Medan is expected to be useful information for the community or loyal listeners and realize that if they or their family members are infected with pulmonary TB, they must carried out laboratory test quickly so that pulmonary TB does not spread and patiets can be treated quickly for recovery.
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