• Zulaika Zulaika Universitas Mohammad Husni Thamrin Jakarta
  • Suhermi Suhermi Universitas Mohammad Husni Thamrin
Keywords: Maintaining Eye Health, Online


The increase in the use of online media has a positive impact on the development of information technology that supports the current PJJ process. However, online media can also have a negative impact if it is not used properly. One of the impacts of using electronic products such as smartphones, TV and games for school children is decreased vision. With the new normal lifestyle changes have reduced time for outdoor activities (Zhang et al., 2020). Provide education about tips for maintaining eye health in the era of online learning. Providing education through counseling about eye health in the online era. Giving pre and post test counseling to see the level of knowledge of the counseling participants. This counseling is carried out online with zoom meetings with power points and short videos. The results of the pre and post test obtained that knowledge before and after being given counseling had a strong and positive correlation, it could be interpreted that this counseling significantly increased the knowledge of SDIT Al-Fath students. There is a difference in knowledge between before and after counseling with a P value of 0.000. With the value of the trend of increasing knowledge after counseling the average increase is -1,633. Knowledge before and after being given counseling has a strong and positive correlation, so there is a difference in knowledge between before and after counseling with a P value of 0.000. With the value of the trend of increasing knowledge after counseling the average increase is -1,633. Providing health education on a regular basis so that children are able to maintain their eye health consciously and independently



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How to Cite
Zulaika, Z., & Suhermi, S. (2024). EDUKASI KIAT MENJAGA KESEHATAN MATA ERA PEMBELAJARAN DARING DI SDIT AL-FATH CIBINONG TAHUN 2021. Jurnal Pengabdian Kesehatan (JUPKes), 3(2), 47-51.